"Adventures in Dinosaur City" was a show produced by Smart Egg Piuctures and Lion's Gate originally shown in 1992 on The Disney Channel, and was directed by Brett Thompson. It was a fun show in which three kids are sucked into a TV in their dad's laboratory and transported into the world of their favorite show, "Dino Saurs". The three friends, Timmy, Mick, and Jamie arrive in Tar Town and meet a variety of prehistoric creatures: Forry, a Dimorphodon who can't fly, Tops, a triceratops, and Rex a tyranasaurus. The kids join them to fight the evil Mr. Big, a rock creature and his evil caveman pawns, "The Rockies". The show has a devoted following among kids who grew up in the 90's, and has been released on DVD by Republic Home Video. There was also a video game based on the show called "Dino City" for SNES.
We were fortunate to have met Mr. Thompson at a Disney collectibles show in Los Angeles and purchased this animation art from him directly. He was kind enough to sign the Certificates of Authenticity he provided for these cels.
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Click on the item name or picture for detailed information about each of these Adventures in Dinosaur City Cels.
Adventures in Dinosaur City original production cel of Mr.
Adventures in Dinosaur City original production cel of Mr.
Original production cel from Adventures in Dinosaur City of Mr.