"James and the Giant Peach" was a marvelous film that was sadly overlooked at the box office. While it owes much to its predecessor "Nightmare Before Christmas", James stands alone in the sophistication of the stop-motion animation, and the way the producers combined it with computer-generated imagery and live action. "James and the Giant Peach" has developed a cult following, much like 'Nightmare'. Unfortunately, there is virtually no collectible merchandise for fans of this film, so we've made it a point to make several of our autograph pieces available for sale. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
James & The Giant Peach | |
James | Paul Terry |
Centipede | Richard Dreyfuss |
Miss Spider | Susan Sarandon |
Ladybug | Jane Leeves |
Earthworm | David Thewlis |
Glowworm/Aunt Sponge | Miriam Margolyes |
Aunt Spiker | Joanna Lumley |
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Click on the item name or picture for detailed information about each of these James and the Giant Peach Voice Autographs.
Remember her in 'Bull Durham' or 'Thelma and Louise'?
Star of "Jaws" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Actress from TV's "Frasier" and "Hot in Cleveland"
Star of "Frasier" and "Hot in Cleveland"