"The Little Mermaid" marked the rebirth of Disney Feature Animation, following nearly 20 years of mediocre attempts to recapture the magic the Studio lost following the passing of Walt Disney in 1966. The charming tale of a young mermaid who yearned for a better life on the land was blessed with an enormously talented voice cast, featuring the talented Jodi Benson as the voice of young Ariel, and anchored by veteran actors like Buddy Hackett and Pat Carrol. It was the first of a string of four truly great movies that included "Beauty and the Beast", "Aladdin", and capped with the blockbuster hit, "The Lion King" We offer here some unique collectibles from the one the restarted it all.
The signatures on all of our autographs are guaranteed to be authentic. We either get the signatures ourselves, or we buy them from reputable dealers who make the same guarantee to us. Each is professionally matted in acid-free material with a sheet of mylar over the artwork and signatures to enhance and protect the images.
The Little Mermaid | |
Ariel | Jodi Benson |
Ursula The Sea Witch | Pat Carrol |
Scuttle | Buddy Hackett |
Flounder | Jason Marin |
Sebastian | Samuel E. Wright |
Prince Eric | Christopher Daniel Barnes |
King Triton | Kenneth Mars |
Chef Louis | Rene Auberjonois |
Flotsam/Jetsam | Paddi Edwards |
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Click on the item name or picture for detailed information about each of these Little Mermaid Voice Autographs.
A great comedian who starred in movies and on TV.
Autographed index card signed by Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel in Disney's The Little Mermaid.