"Pinocchio" gave movie audiences their first animated thrill ride, as the characters battled with Monstro the whale. Following the hit "Snow White", Disney animators brought a new dimension of reality to their efforts as we see Pinocchio and J. Worthington Foulfellow stroll along the street. "Pinocchio" was another milestone in Disney's efforts to bring respect to animation. Of course, it didn't hurt that the movie was wonderful on it's own. We are pleased to offer for sale the autographs of some of the fine actors who helped to create this Disney classic.
Pinocchio | |
Pinocchio | Dickie Jones |
Jiminy Cricket | Cliff Edwards |
Gepetto | Christian Rub |
Blue Fairy | Evelyn Venable |
Lampwick | Frankie Darro |
Stromboli | Charles Judels |
J. Worthington Foulfellow | Walter Catlett |
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Click on the item name or picture for detailed information about each of these Pinocchio Voice Autographs.
Disney publicity photo signed by child star Dickie Jones.
Give a little whistle if you love Pinocchio and Jiminy.